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    • 天行青年显身手,以赛促研共成长|我校教师说课比赛圆满落下帷幕
    • 2020年05月09日来源:华西都市网


    截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到97份预录取通知书(含9份直录)。其中英国48份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国6份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。


    Lecture is a way of teaching and research activities, and also a very important basic teaching skill for teachers. In order to improve the ability of teachers to grasp and master teaching materials, improve the level of classroom teaching, and achieve the purpose of "speaking" to promote "teaching". Our school held a three week lecture competition, which ended successfully yesterday afternoon.


    According to the characteristics of Teensen's teaching and the teaching content of A-level course in Cambridge, the participating teachers are fully prepared, the teaching style is comfortable, and the language expression is easy and fluent. Teachers learn analysis and other aspects, highlighting the concept of open school from the selection of teaching materials, curriculum content, teaching methods, teaching proces.It pursues scientificalness and applicability in curriculum goal, stresses students' subjectivity in teaching method, pays attention to the cultivation of students' inquiry ability in teaching effect, and fully demonstrates the comprehensive quality and professional level of teachers in our school.


    After fierce competition, the first, second and third prizes of this competition were awarded by the judges.

    钟雪玲 Shelly


    "Joining Teensen and becoming an international education teacher has changed my understanding of education or teachers. Before, I always thought that teaching and educating people is only limited to teaching, learning a course or reading a book is OK, but I was wrong. After entering Teensen, I found that the so-called ‘teaching and educating people’should focus on ‘educating people’. A good lesson is not how well you have prepared the textbook. Liu once told us that a class is a class for students, not for teachers. We should pay more attention to students. Prepare a lesson is knowledge, but also the reaction and feedback of your students. Our ultimate goal is still to educate people. My last class is to hope that my students can not only get more knowledge from my class, but also enrich their ideas and build their world outlook through my class. I hope that students can fall in love with what I teach from the bottom of their hearts. I prefer to teach them fish instead of fish. "

    宋子林 Robert


    "In this special anti epidemic period, I joined the Teensen family. During the outbreak, every teacher needs to attend at least two lectures of other teachers online every week. When listening in, I saw that even online, the distance between teachers and students is blocked by the physical distance, but through the careful design and blackboard writing of teachers, many students can still learn classroom knowledge with interest. Behind a seemingly ordinary classroom is the dedication of teachers after class. In recent weeks, teachers have been training regularly. The university even invited Professor Zhang Tieguang, a doctor from Cambridge University, to comment on the teacher's teaching design. Professor Zhang's suggestion that teachers should balance receptive learning and inquiry learning is thought-provoking. In this contest, teachers from different disciplines gathered together to share their teaching experience and show their unique teaching style. The school's training has promoted exchanges and learning among teachers, and also driven me to think about new possibilities in teaching. "

    罗佩瑶 Sophia


    "When I first entered school, I took part in a lecture competition. At that time, I thought the teachers on the stage were very good. Everyone could talk about it, and I had a lot to learn!"! A year and a half later, when I stood on the stage of the lecture contest again, I was more confident than before. During this period, I have experienced interdisciplinary, new knowledge preparation, Birkdale school training and other projects. I am very grateful to the school for training me, so that I can see a lot of very excellent teachers and students, and I also have the confidence and direction to break through myself. I learned a lot of teachers' flash points in the teaching process, and each teacher's class has its own unique points. I will put what I have learned into my own courses, continue to work hard and make progress with all teachers! "

    说课比赛虽落下帷幕,但不灭的是老师们对于教学的钻研与探究!在日复一日的教学中,我们将坚守初心,脚踏实地,继续培养具有A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、 C(caring乐于助人)、 D(devoted奉献精神)、 E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE”这五种素养的学生。

    Although the lesson competition has come to an end, what remains is the teachers' study and exploration of teaching! In the day-to-day teaching, we will stick to our original aspiration, keep our feet on the ground, and continue to cultivate students with five elements: a (ambitious), B (bold), C (caring), D (devoted), e (erudite), and "ABCDE".


    撰写:Jane       肖   依

    编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

    翻译:Sunny      黄   曰

    剪辑: Louis      胡   猜

    Leo         罗   睿

    朗读:Emma      魏予恬

    Roxy         黄昱榕

    主编:Johnson    张世霖

    总编:Gary        高   陆


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