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    • 全球科学植物饮食大会 健康中国青少年大会 以实际行动坚持人民至上
    • 2024年07月12日来源:南方企业新闻网







    Global Scientific Plant Diet Conference Healthy Chinese Youth Conference

    Adhere to the supremacy of the people with practical actions

    Welcoming the successful convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th National Congress of

    Adhering to the supremacy of the people and life is the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The General Platform of the Military and Civil Management Center, the General Platform of Serving the People, the General Platform of Global Vegetarian Food, the General Platform of Youth Military Academy, and the General Platform of National International Biology welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Global Scientific Diet Conference and the Healthy China Youth Military Academy Conference were held in Beijing from July 25th to 26th.。Promote healthy eating habits, improve the health level of the whole people, reduce the consumption of land and water resources, alleviate global climate change and ecological pressure, actively respond to Community of Shared Future for Mankind's initiative, and build a common home for sustainable development of mankind. Promote the enhancement of national defense awareness through youth military academies, and use plant-based diets and healthy eating habits to cultivate military forces with a sense of responsibility, mission and patriotism to achieve Chinese-style modernization in the new era.

    The registration time for the conference is all day on July 24, 2024. Participants are requested to register in time to exchange their participation cards.

    On the one hand, the holding of the Global Scientific Plant Diet Conference and the Healthy China Youth Military Academy Conference provides a platform for scientists, nutritionists, educators and policy makers to communicate and cooperate, and promotes the in-depth development of scientific research on plant diet. On the other hand, by promoting the concept of plant diet, it will help to improve public health, reduce the occurrence of chronic diseases and promote the implementation of the Healthy China strategy. Representatives of plant-based diet enterprises, youth military academies, and national defense education bases are welcome to participate actively.

    Materials for this conference should be submitted to gjzczd@163.com, and the deadline is July 20, 2024. Specific materials include the registration form for application for participation, a copy of ID card and a copy of business license. The registration materials have been strictly reviewed, and you can only attend the conference after passing the review. In line with the nature of public welfare, the conference does not charge participation fees. All participants, regardless of their position, will pay for their own transportation, accommodation and board expenses.

    In July, we will usher in the Third Plenary Session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and in October, we will usher in the festive day of the 75th anniversary of the great motherland. Platform and other institutions lead the whole people to unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade   as the core, improve the health of the whole people with healthy eating habits, promote the construction of a healthy China, enhance the national defense awareness of the whole people, help build a strong country and a strong army, and strive to achieve the second centenary goal and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Military and Civil News Research Center)
